Gold Index: 11861
Ralph Messrilng GmbH [Germany]
Business Type:Trading Company Country/Region: Germany
The Thermo Scientific Ramsey Granuflow DTR 131
DTR131ZThe Thermo Scientific Ramsey GranuflowDTR 131 and DTR 231 are low-cost, noninvasive, microwave-based instruments that detect and monitor
The Thermo Scientific Ramsey Granuflow DTR131Z
Ramsey 20-39 Standard Probe Nickel Chrome 8 1/4" 1 1/4" 2 1/2" 1.5#
20-39 tilt switchRugged, abrasion-resistant tilt switch.Simple installation.Control unit is solid state, printed circuit board construction.
Ramsey 20-39B *Low-Temp. (Below -25° F) Nickel Chrome 8 1/4" 1 1/4" 2 1/2" 1.5#
Ramsey 21-39 **Class I & II FM Approved Nickel Chrome 8 1/4" 1 1/4" 2 1/2" 1.5#
Ramsey 20-41 Standard Probe 110 VAC Nickel Chrome 8 1/4" 1 1/4" 2 1/2" 1.5#
Pilz 8176052 PMCprimo Drive3.10/11/2/115-230VAC
Pilz has a tradition as a family-run company stretching back over 60 years. Our proximity to customers is evident in all areas
Pilz 8176032 PMCtendo AC2.65/1/M/1/1/4/H/3
Pilz 8176022 PMCtendo AC2.73/1/5/1/1/4/H/3
Pilz 8175795 PMCprimo Drive2.01/21/2/230-480V
Pilz 8175196 PMCprimo Drive2.20/26/3/230-480V
Pilz 8175934 PMCtendo AC 22/K43.905.1 SO 1/4/H/6/50:1
Pilz 8176053 PMCprimo Drive3.01/11/2/208-480VAC